About Us

Based at Nura Gili and the Chancellery, our team work across a diverse portfolio to drive forward UNSW Indigenous Strategy and enhance the Indigenous student experience. 

Nura Gili logo

Nura Gili: Centre for Indigenous Programs

Nura Gili is our student-facing services, programs and study facility. Nura Gili offers study spaces and meeting places for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and researchers. It’s our home on campus!

Our team provides pathways for prospective Indigenous students to study in all UNSW faculties and programs. We also have a dedicated team who work to enhance the student experience for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, across student success, tutoring, workshops and events. 

Nura Gili's academic team manage all Indigenous Studies undergraduate and postgraduate courses and programs and the Higher Degree Research (HDR) strategy. 


Our team drive the strategy for the recruitment, career pathways and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HDR students and academic researchers at UNSW. This is a vital part of the Grow Our Own pillar in the Indigenous Strategy.

The Indigenous Law Centre  (established July 1964) has played a pivotal role in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal reform including the work that led to the Constitutional Dialogues and the Uluru Statement from the Heart. We work with the ILC on research initiatives, educational materials and broader community engagement on Indigenous legal matters, constitutional reform, and on the process that led to the Uluru Statement.

Research opportunities

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The UNSW Indigenous Strategy represents a powerful vision for the future of UNSW and our commitment to creating an environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, researchers and staff to thrive.